This is a question that often comes to me from people interested in obtaining editable vector maps:
Can text labels in Maptorian be edited, or are they traced vectors?
The answer is very simple: all text on Maptorian maps can be edited. It wouldn’t make much sense to have maps designed to be edited and that the various layers of data with text couldn’t be modified.
In addition, the labels are distributed in thematic layers. This way, there are no problems to identify each type of text or label. There are text layers for countries, various levels of cities, geographical elements and many others.
An additional idea: it is very common to need to edit all the labels of one layer at a time. In such cases, the fastest way to do this is to select all the elements of the text layer and modify their characteristics of size, uppercase, lowercase, italics, bold… simply using the tools of the Illustrator text bar or any vector design program.